Tuesday, March 22, 2011

No Need to Be Fake, Bring on the Real!

Too many times people try to be what they are not and say what they are not.  You are living a lie.  There is no need to be dishonest about what you are. Most people like to be so proud and full of boast. 

If you want to be proud, then why not be proud of your real self; the true you.

People like to hide behind masks so people don't know the real person, maybe because the real person.  Some people might be liars and cheats or something else that is not really a good thing to be.  If you don't like who you are then change. But don't lie about who you are.  It isn't fair for people to not know who you are. 

And it actually isn't fair to yourself either.  There is such freedom in being yourself. 

If you hate something don't pretend to like it.  If you like something don't pretend you hate it.

This is real talk. Like it or hate it.  Cool. Either way, it is honest and real.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The "Oh That's Life" Mentality

When we face disappointments or tough times, people will usually say, "Oh that's life."  When there is something bad that happens and we feel like there is no solution people will say, "Well that's life, things happen.  We can't always get everything we want."

For years this is what we have been told and taught.  But is it really enough?  Should be just accept things as they are?  I think in some cases you might not be able to change what has happened.  So in that case you need to accept.  But there are times where we can make a difference.  We do not have to accept the "Oh that's life" mentality.  There are times when we can make a different decision and change things. 

Don't always just accept that things have to be the way they are.  Everything is subject to change.  And if you really set your mind to it, you can make a significant change in your life and the circumstances around you.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's The Little Things

You don't like the way he chews his gum so loud, he doesn't like that perfume you always wear.  

You don't like the way he leaves clothes laying all over the place, and he doesn't like how you always go out with your girlfriends on Friday nights. 
You don't like the way he looks over his shoulder at the girls passing by when your out, he doesn't like how you talk about your fights with him to your friends.

Any of this sound familiar?  When you look at this list it might not seem like a big deal, typical relationship stuff.  People do not realize that little things that occur on a regular basis are the things that wear on your relationship constantly.  If you deal with one big situation or crisis, you move on from it and it's done. 

But when you have constant aggravations day after day it takes a more exhausting toll on you.

If there are things that your loved one does that bother you that much you need to talk about it with them.  The longer you let them go on, the more you are going to be annoyed by the person. 

CommunicateWhen you love someone you want to make things better.  If your heart is not in making things better, maybe your heart is not in love anymore.

The Power of the words "Thank you"

If any of you work with the public like me then you know what it is like to encounter all kinds of people with all kinds of attitudes.  Some look grouchy, some sound grouchy, some are angry and take it out on you the minute they see you even if you had nothing to do with the reason they are upset.

Then others come walking to you, you greet them and they stay silent.  You proceed to help them and then they turn and walk away without even saying a word, never mind a thank you.  It's just amazing to me that people expect you to roll out a red carpet for them and then they do not even have common courtesy.  What is that all about?

I think some people are just down right miserable.  Others I think put on this front of toughness while they are out.  But come on really.  What are you accomplishing by being rude to me?

As I write this I have people coming to me and the last 4 in a row didn't even say thank you for my helping them.  I know we are supposed to be the "bigger person" but when you are dealing with mostly rude all day, that can be very draining.

So the bottom line is, if you are one of those people who comes into a public place and does not respond to the person helping you or does not say thank you for the assistance or help that someone provides, I ask you that you consider a small smile and a thank you for the help you have received.  It's just common courtesy. 

Why Do We Obsess Over Celebrities?

Unless you have been living under a rock lately, you know that every radio station, TV channel and online source is talking about Charlie Sheen and giving their thoughts, opinions and two cents. We have an eye on his interviews and follow his tweets to see every word he says.  Why?  

Why do we rush to the TV or the computer to see what celebrities are doing, saying, tweeting and such?  Sometimes I think it is the drama.  If we do not have enough drama in our own personal lives already we tune in to partake in the drama of others.  And celebrities are the ones whose lives are put on display constantly, by either themselves or the media that chance them.  

It is what people love or else every other show in TV today wouldn't be a reality show.  But why do people love it?  Weigh in and tell me.  Leave a comment if you like.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Do you really want it, work hard!

Too many times I hear people talking about what they want and how bad they want it.  Okay, I can respect that.  So when I ask what you are doing to make it happen and you don't say much, there is your answer of why you don't have it yet.

Things are not going to come to you by magic.  Everything you want requires work and dedication.  If you don't put the effort in, you are not going to get much in return.

Lesson learned.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Supporting The One You Love

When we are in a relationship with someone it is inevitable that there are going to be times when one of you is up and one is down.

Also there may be times one of you has a hard decision to make. When these types of situations arise you need to be there to support each other. The worst feeling a person in a relationship can have is a feeling of loneliness or that they do not have the support of the one they love.

When you are in a relationship with someone, especially after the first year your relationship has gotten to a deeper level than before. You will notice that the decisions you make have an impact in the life of your significant other.

Two quick points I want to make then I will wrap this up.

1. Your relationship is a team and you need to work together for a better outcome.

You should both be reaching individual milestones and goals but at the same time those goals should include each other and work towards the growth of your relationship together.

2. Be Understanding And Don't Judge

Sometimes your loved one may feel like they can't come to you for support because you will judge them or criticize them off the bat before they even tell you what's going on. Listen to them and see what is going on.

You might disagree with what they need to do but respect them as an adult and as your equal and let them speak. Try to give your opinion only when it is asked for. Maybe they just want someone to listen so they can release the burden but do not want to be told what to do.

Relationships are not easy, especially when there are tough situations and a decision needs to be made. But just remember that you are in it together and you must treat the one you love like the one you love!

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

This is my first post!

This is my first post on my own personal blog.  There are so many things in life such as dating advice, make up tips, Christianity, business, building websites that I discuss with individuals, friends and business associates. 

I thought it might be nice to have one collective place that I can share these thoughts, conversations and advices.

So I will start tomorrow.  But for today just an introduction.  :o)