Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Making the Most of Every Day

Each day has 24 hours that we have never seen before and with those 24 hours we can make decisions, make mistakes, have victories and much more.  But the important thing is that we at least make an effort to accomplish something.  Remember that you are never going to see these 24 hours again.  The worst thing you can do is let the day come and go and not make an effort of some kind. 
You might not feel like it will accomplish much.  You might feel like your efforts will be in vain.  But you will never really know that for sure unless you try.  The only wasted time is when you do nothing. 
As long as you have breath it is another opportunity to work towards your higher calling.  If you sit idle nothing will happen.  It is only when you take action that there is even a chance of something happening. 
Don't waste the life or the time that God has blessed you with.  Be productive and be about something good. 
Never give up hope and just make the most of every day.  Even if it is just one or two things you get accomplished, you are making progress.  If you do not work towards progress then you will have nothing. 
The only road to progress is action.

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