Sunday, May 1, 2011

How To Make Lemonade From The Lemons In Life


Dealing With Disappointments in Life

If you are like me, then there are times when you feel like you are getting just one bunch of lemons after another and nothing to really make you excited or happy.  It seems like all the things you need do not come your way and all the things you don't want come rushing to you without hesitation. 

Growing up I have always heard the saying, "When you get lemons, make lemonade".  It sounds nice and simple in theory but it is not so easy when you actually have to do it.  Sometimes it's not even nice, sweet lemons.  Some of them are bitter, rotten and just plain sour.  Who even wants to make lemonade with those kind of lemons?  Wouldn't it be better to just throw them away and never have to see them again?  I think that is a good idea.  But then, since there is nothing I can do about getting lemons I might as well make something with them. 
So this is what I do.  I look at the situation.  Even if there is a small, tiny little bit of good that comes from it that is what helps me make it through.
There are definitely times where even though there is a little bit of good, my stomach feels sick.  It is nauseous and full of butterflies and anxiety. This is because lemons can give stress.  With all this talk about lemons, what exactly are they?

The lemons in life can be anything we get or anything that happens to us that makes life tougher - it's the trials and tribulations we face.  That is why they are hard to endure.  What are your lemons today?  What is it that is making life hard for you today?

Sometimes it is hard to make lemonade from the lemons we have because we do not see the good in what has happened?  How can getting my car repossessed possibly be good?  How can losing a child possibly have any good to it?

Some of these questions only can answer.  I know there are times I am dealing with difficult times and I don't see the good and I get very discouraged.  There are some situations I do not think are lemons.  I think they are more than that and there is no lemonade to be made from them.  Some situations are just very bad.  I cannot see the good in them.  Those are the situations that I just need to give to God.  That is the lesson I have learned.

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