Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mother's Day Message

My Mother's Day Thoughts

Today many sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, granddaughters and grandsons, boys and girls, men and women, are celebrating the mother's in their lives.  We know that everyone that is walking the earth right now is here because a woman somewhere gave birth to them.  Now, that might not even be the woman that raised them but they are here because of that woman. 

For some, because of circumstances in life you may have been raised by a friend, grandmother, aunt, or adoptive mother. And this is okay.  The love of a mother goes far beyond biological means.  Any woman who has had the heart and love to care for a child is a mother.  Raising a child is not easy.  When a woman finds out she is pregnant she might cry tears of joy or tears of sorrow.  Some woman try all their lives and never have a child.  Others seem to keep having children even when they aren't intending to. 

Even if you don't want to, once you realize and come to terms with the fact that a new life is coming that is going to need you, you know your obligation to that child once they are here.  To care for them.  For nine months you have felt that child grow.  It has made you sick, it has made you tired, scared and sometimes it maybe even made you want to scream.

So what about the mother who has raised a child that is not her own?  She didn't prepare for it.  She didn't give birth.  She doesn't get called mom.  But she has opened her heart to everything motherhood - changing diapers, midnight feedings, school plays, driving lessons, relationship advice, and helping you step into adulthood.

These are not easy tasks and sometimes can even be harder when you are taking care of another woman's child.  So you are definitely to be rewarded.  And why you do it is obviously not for the reward because rewards often never come. 

Being a mother can sometimes feel like a thankless job.  But it shouldn't be.  It is one of the hardest and requires such sacrifice.

So to all of the moms reading: You are the best.  And if no one every tells you, you are appreciated and loved and thought of fondly.  God Bless you for your hard work, dedication and love.

This message wouldn't be complete without giving a personal word of thanks to my mother.  You are without a doubt the sweetest, kindest, most thoughtful woman on the earth.  Unless someone knows you, they really haven't seen true sacrifice of one for another.  You never think twice about giving away the last of what you have if it means helping someone else. 

I love you more than words could ever say and I thank God for you and your beautiful spirit every day. :)

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